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How Can a New Thermostat Improve AC Performance?

Your thermostat is responsible for telling your air conditioner when to cycle on and off. It also tells your AC what temperature to maintain. Doesn’t it make sense that you should have a thermostat that is accurate and reliable? Thermostats can age and wear just like any other part of your air conditioning system, and if your thermostat starts to malfunction, it can wreak havoc on your system and your indoor comfort. In addition, today’s thermostats are made to be more efficient, so holding on to that old dial or slide thermostat may be costing you money in monthly energy bills. A new thermostat installation in Waldwick can have a number of benefits, and DB Heating & Cooling has several options from which to choose.

Types of Thermostats

There are 3 main types of thermostats from which to choose:

  • Digital
  • Programmable
  • Smart

How Do Thermostats Improve AC Performance?


One of the most important aspects of upgrading to a digital thermostat is the precision at which you can set it. Dial and slide thermostats are imprecise and can be off – sometimes by 2-3 degrees. In addition, mercury-based dial thermostats have to be properly calibrated, or your temperatures could be way off.


Programmable thermostats allow you to set how you want to cool (or heat) your home in 7-day time periods; you can leave a specific program on a continual loop or change it as needed. With programming, you can accommodate for times of low-or-no occupancy in your home, weekends and even vacation time periods. This helps reduce your energy usage as well as the operation time of your AC.


Smart thermostats use wireless technology, so your thermostat can be accessed and programmed from any smart device at virtually any time. This gives you tremendous control over your cooling (and heating), as well as data on your energy usage.

Upgrading your thermostat can help with comfort, energy efficiency and the performance of your air conditioner.

Is it time for you to consider the installation of a new thermostat in Waldwick? Call DB Heating & Cooling and schedule an appointment with one of our specialists.

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