DB Heating & Cooling, Inc. Blog : Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

How to Ensure Better AC Efficiency This Year

Monday, June 6th, 2022

two-technicians-working-on-ac-unitThere aren’t many things that HVAC professionals will tell you to do on your own when it comes to servicing your cooling system. And the fact of the matter is, for big repair needs, this is true, especially since there are various components of an HVAC system that professionals need special training and licensing for, such as the refrigerant in your air conditioner, or natural gas if we’re talking about a heating system.

It is important that you only trust a professional for air conditioning maintenance–this is essential to the performance and efficiency of the cooling system. It enables our technicians to comprehensively inspect your cooling system for problems, anything that needs to be adjusted, and anything that needs to be cleaned within the system. It also lets us find repair needs that you may want to address ASAP to prevent them from turning into bigger problems later on.

But even though you do need a professional to keep your system in great shape, there are things you can do on your own to improve your air conditioner’s efficiency, and therefore lower your energy bills each month. Read on to learn what they are!

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Do I Need to Worry about Intense Heat Hurting My Air Conditioner?

Monday, May 9th, 2022

animated-thermometerSummer heatwaves are fairly common in the southern portions of the United States. While summer temperatures in New Jersey and New York rarely reach over 90 degrees Fahrenheit, it still gets pretty humid in the Garden State. During these heatwaves, you should focus on keeping the inside of your home cool and comfortable. 

Achieving this goal will require the use of a reliable and functional HVAC unit. Most people fail to realize that extreme temperatures can negatively impact certain parts of their HVAC system. Read below to find out more about how intense heat can affect your HVAC unit and the steps you can take to mitigate the risks posed by extreme summer temperatures. 

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“What Actually Happens During AC Maintenance?”

Monday, April 4th, 2022

two-technicians-working-on-outside-ac-unitIn our previous blog post, we addressed a question that many of our homeowners ask in late winter/early spring–is it too early for AC maintenance? If you read last month’s blog, then you already know that no, it’s not too early for this service. In fact, frequency matters here more than timing does!

Early spring is generally the best time for AC maintenance because it’s before you actually need the system the most. But as long as you’re having your air conditioner tuned up at least once a year, you’ll be more likely to keep it in good shape. Of course, this means if you have a heat pump then you’ll need system tune-ups twice a year, since this is a year-round HVAC system.

But what actually happens during AC maintenance that makes it so important? This is one of the other common questions we get, and we are here now to answer it. Read on!

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As the Season Ends, Take Care of These AC Repair Needs

Monday, September 13th, 2021

two-technicians-working-on-outdoor-ac-unitWith temperatures still on the warmer side, and with the violent weather we had recently, your air conditioner’s repair needs are probably not at the top of mind, especially if that system is still running and keeping you relatively cool.

But the thing is, the end of the summer season is near, and this is actually the most likely time for an air conditioner to break down. This is especially true if your cooling system is on the older side. When well-maintained, an air conditioner should last about 10-15 years. Anything beyond this point and the system is going to start working inefficiently, costing you more to run and leaving you with repair needs. But if you take care of those repair needs as soon as you discover you have them, you might be able to keep your system up and running a bit longer!

Read on as we uncover some of the most common end-of-season AC repair needs we get called for.

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Tips for Improving Your Cooling System Efficiency

Monday, August 16th, 2021

top-view-of-outside-air-conditioner-unitIf you’re like most homeowners, you’re not going to turn down a chance to save money, right? This is especially true if we’re referring to energy and utility bills (which we are!) In addition to these utility bills every month, when it comes to your HVAC systems, you also have the cost of upkeep to consider–repairs, eventual replacement, and maintenance. This can all be understandably overwhelming.

The thing is, there are some simple steps you can take to improve your cooling system’s efficiency, and lower your utility bills in the process, even if you have an aging air conditioner–that is 10-15 years old. If you feel that your AC system has been struggling efficiency-wise, don’t let that get you down any longer. Follow the tips we’ve shared below to get your air conditioner operating as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible.

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Call Us for AC Repairs If…

Monday, August 2nd, 2021

two-technicians-working-on-outside-ac-unitIf your air conditioner is showing unusual symptoms, even if it’s running “okay,” it’s probably time to give us a call. What we run into fairly often with residential air conditioning systems is that homeowners wait until the air conditioner breaks down completely to call us. By then, whatever repair need they had likely grew into something unnecessarily expensive to repair. We say unnecessarily because the truth is, most repair needs show symptoms that could be managed far sooner.

Admittedly, these symptoms are usually subtle, and homeowners often don’t know what to look or listen for. We get it! That’s why we’re writing this blog post, so you do know what to look for, and so you can give us a call at the first sign of trouble. Read on to learn about the symptoms of an air conditioner in disrepair!

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How Duct Sealing Helps Your Comfort and Your Air Conditioner

Monday, July 19th, 2021

duct-being-professionally-sealedThe ductwork attached to HVAC systems is one of those things that homeowners often don’t pay much attention to. After all, they’re out of sight, and therefore out of mind too, until they start to make your energy bills skyrocket.

When it comes to properly caring for your air duct system, it’s important to know what that means. Your air ducts are designed to bring the air that’s cooled or heated from the HVAC system into the rooms of your living space efficiently and effectively without that conditioned air being lost to the outside.

When your air ducts leak, however, it can account for a loss of about 30% of your conditioned air–conditioned air that you are paying for. Fortunately, all you have to do if you are having ductwork issues, all you need to do is call our team! One of the many methods we use to ensure the proper functionality of ductwork is air duct sealing.

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Don’t Ignore These AC Noises!

Monday, July 5th, 2021

woman-holding-hand-to-ear-to-listenIt would be really great if it were possible to have an air conditioner that, when there was a problem with it, would tell us what that problem is and how to fix it. Honestly, there’s probably going to be some sort of technology and an app that goes along with it that tells us just that–after all, look at everything a smart thermostat can do!

Unfortunately, this isn’t a reality quite yet. So, for now it’s up to us as homeowners to be diligent and have a basic understanding of how our air conditioners work, so that when something does go wrong, we know to address it right away.

And one of the most common ways to know something is amiss with your air conditioner is if it’s making strange sounds. But, what qualifies as a strange sound? Are there specific noises you should keep an ear out for? Yup! We’ll cover them below.

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How to Ensure Efficient AC Operation

Monday, June 7th, 2021

woman-opening-curtains-in-homeSummer is just about officially upon us, which for us means that hot and humid weather is on its way. So, now is the perfect time to make sure that your air conditioner is ready for the coming conditions. When you use your AC system, you want to do so as efficiently as possible, right? Well, if you answered “yes” to this question, then we hope you’ve already invested in maintenance for the season. Professional HVAC maintenance allows our technicians to comprehensively inspect, clean, and adjust the components of your air conditioner that need it.

Even without professional maintenance, however (though we do recommend you have it done every year for your air conditioner), there are steps you can take that will help boost the efficiency of your air conditioner and lower your cooling costs, without spending the extra money to do so. Keep reading as we uncover some steps you can start taking now to improve your AC efficiency.

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Is Your AC Fixable Or Should You Start Hunting For a New System?

Monday, May 24th, 2021

white-question-mark-on-blue-circleYou’ve been trying to keep the house cool now that things are warming up. Even with your best efforts though and some best practices like an air filter change taken into account, you still can’t get your home comfort where it needs to be. Something is wrong–is it time to say goodbye to your air conditioner?

Before you start the process of a replacement, let’s determine whether this is really what you need. A replacement is no small (or cheap) task so if you can get by for another few years with a professional air conditioning repair in Emerson, NJ it is worth it to do so!

If you aren’t sure which service you need, we can help you find out.

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