DB Heating & Cooling, Inc. Blog : Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Get Your Air Conditioner Ready for Summer with Preventive Maintenance

Monday, June 11th, 2018

air-conditioning-maintenanceSummer is here, but it’s not too late to make sure that your air conditioner is ready for the season. If you haven’t already scheduled preventive maintenance, you should do it as soon as possible! Preventive maintenance is the single best way to make sure that your air conditioner can cope with whatever the summer can throw at it. Read on to find out more about why air conditioning maintenance is so important for the health of your system.

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Keep Your Commercial HVAC System Healthy with These Tips

Monday, May 28th, 2018

commercial-rooftop-unitIf you’re not already running your commercial climate control system on a daily basis, you will be soon. As you rely on your air conditioner to keep your building cool, you need to give some thought to how you’re going to keep it in good condition throughout the season. There are a number of ways to make sure that your commercial HVAC system stays in good condition, even during high-stress seasons like summer. Read on to find out the best ways to keep your commercial HVAC system healthy over the next few months, and beyond.

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Make Sure You Call for Repairs if Your Air Conditioner Is Doing This

Monday, May 14th, 2018

air-conditionerAir conditioners are placed under a lot of strain during the summer season. More strain means more wear and tear, which means a higher chance for problems to develop. That doesn’t mean that you should just go without using your air conditioner, of course. It just means that you should keep an eye out for any signs that your air conditioner is struggling in some way. If you can respond quickly to a malfunction and get it repaired, it’ll be better off in the long run. Have a look at the following signs that your air conditioner is in need of repairs.

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It’s Almost Time for Spring AC Maintenance

Monday, April 2nd, 2018

air-conditioner-cashWe don’t have long before the summer arrives, and the weather begins to heat up. There are a lot of things that you should be doing now to get your home ready for the summer season. One of the most important things you should be doing is scheduling preventive maintenance. Proper preventive maintenance will ensure that your air conditioner is ready for the added strain of summer, while neglecting maintenance will make it more likely for problems to occur later on in the season. Read on for more information on why you should be scheduling preventive maintenance for your system this spring.

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Choose a Professional for Your Air Conditioning Services

Monday, August 7th, 2017

Smiling HVAC technician with another technician in the background tending to outdoor AC unitThe social culture we live in today is very much a “do-it-yourself” one. The internet amplifies this even more—for just about any home improvement project you want to tackle or repair needs you want to fix, there’s a video for it. Everything from gardening tips to building furniture or fixing a mechanical problem in your car can be found online.

With many “around the house” jobs, a small amount of technical knowledge and some hard work is all it really takes to accomplish a task such as those mentioned above. But this DIY culture has a dark side too—it can lead people astray so that they attempt to handle repairs and big jobs that only a professional should be trusted to complete. One of these jobs is Ramsey, NJ air conditioning repairs.

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Could Your Ductless System Be Suffering?

Monday, July 24th, 2017

ductless-system-sufferingWhen it comes to choosing an effective and efficient cooling system for your home, many people are choosing to go the route of the ductless mini-split, and for good reason. Ductless systems are space saving—they only require a single outdoor unit and multiple air handlers mounted high up on the wall out of the way.

They eliminate indoor air quality problems—ducted systems invite dust, dirt, pollen, and even mold spores and mildew into your home. Lastly, ductless systems allow for zoned cooling—and heating!—so you can control whether or not you are using your HVAC system in unoccupied rooms (which is a severe energy waster).

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No, Ice on Your AC Isn’t Normal: Here’s Why

Monday, July 10th, 2017

no-ice-on-ac-isnt-normalAs HVAC professionals, our customers trust us to give them expert advice when it comes to their air conditioning equipment. So when we’re asked if ice developing on any part of the AC system is normal, we’re going to tell you no.

We understand why you might believe that this is normal. They involve chilled air coming from the vents, so it makes sense to have ice involved in the process, right? In fact, one of the ways to jerry-rig up a simple cooling system is to place a bowl of ice in front of a fan—so wouldn’t it make sense for an AC system to work in a similar matter?

No, it isn’t! Ice on your air conditioner—particularly on the coil—is a symptom of a problem with the air conditioner, possibly a major one that requires professional Wyckoff, NJ air conditioning services.

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Here’s One Way You Can Improve AC Efficiency

Monday, June 26th, 2017

improve-ac-efficiency-one-wayWhen it comes to professional air conditioning services in Mahwah, NJ, our HVAC professionals know their stuff. We’re always happy to answer any questions you may have, and provide advice that can help you save money, stay safe, and feel more comfortable in your household. One way we like to do that is by helping you understand how to most efficiently use your air conditioner. And one method of doing so is by utilizing a ceiling fan!

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Is Your Central Air Conditioner Dying?

Monday, June 12th, 2017

central-air-conditioner-dyingAs much as we want them to, no appliance or piece of equipment lasts forever—no matter how professionally installed it is or how well it’s manufactured. Your air conditioner is no different—it has a limited lifespan, and when yours approaches the end of its life, it’s a good idea to have it replaced before you find yourself stuck in the middle of summer without a working AC system at all.

The most likely time for system stress to cause a failure is, in fact, summer, so tackling this issue sooner than later is a wise idea. The last thing you want to do is waste money on an aging system that’s working inefficiently and can quit on you any minute. But, now do you know if your air conditioner is actually dying?

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Why You Should Consider a Ductless System Installation

Monday, May 29th, 2017

consider-ductless-system-installationSummer is just around the corner, and while we haven’t reached our warmest temperatures quite yet, now is definitely the time to look at different types of cooling systems, if you are considering a Ramsey, NJ AC installation. With plenty of time still ahead of you to prepare for the hotter months, we encourage you to upgrade your cooling system to a ductless mini-split. Read on to discover what these systems are and how one could be a huge advantage to you.

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