DB Heating & Cooling, Inc. Blog : Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Yes, Your Air Conditioner Has an Indoor Unit!

Monday, July 4th, 2016

One of the most common misconceptions we hear of amongst homeowners is the belief that their central air conditioning system is merely an outdoor unit connected to some ducts that bring conditioned air inside. Many individuals might not even realize when they move into a new home that they do in fact have an indoor unit.

The indoor unit works seamlessly—or at least when it’s functioning properly it does—with your outdoor unit to keep your home comfortable all summer long. This component of your air conditioner is typically located in an attic, basement, closet, or garage and is near where your furnace is located.

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Common Heat Pump Problems to Watch for This Summer

Monday, June 20th, 2016

Summer will officially be here very soon, and when it hits you’ll be relying on your heat pump more and more in order to keep cool. As a result, your system is going to be put under a lot of stress. This stress and strain on the system means that there are more chances for issues to develop with your cooling system.

In order to keep your heat pump in the best possible shape this summer, it’s important to keep an eye out for problems that could arise during this warmer season. Below we’ve covered a couple of the common heat pump problems that warrant repair calls in the summer.

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Is it Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner?

Monday, June 13th, 2016

Summer is quickly approaching, and you’ll likely be turning to your air conditioner to provide cooling relief pretty soon. Hopefully, you’ve kept your AC system well maintained and taken care of, and it hasn’t given you any detrimental problems. Regular maintenance does ensure that your HVAC professionals will be able to fully inspect and clean your system, in addition to recommending repairs to keep it functioning as efficiently as possible for the years to come.

However, even the most well maintained air conditioning system will eventually wear down and need replacement. But how do you know if it’s truly time for a new unit? Keep reading below for a few of the most common signs that you’re due for an air conditioner replacement.

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Could Your AC System Be Causing Water Damage?

Monday, May 23rd, 2016

As a homeowner, one of the most devastating and costly problems to deal with is water damage, especially since this can lead to a multitude of other problems such as damaged walls, flooring, and even mold development. What many New Jersey homeowners don’t realize is that their HVAC system may actually be the culprit of water damage.

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What Should You Do if You Smell Gas?

Monday, May 16th, 2016

Earlier this month, we published a blog post about preventing gas leaks. But what should you do if you suspect that you do smell gas? This is certainly an issue that should be addressed right away and taken very seriously. A gas leak can not only lead to minor illness from carbon monoxide poisoning, it could cause more severe carbon monoxide poisoning or even lead to a fire or explosion.

Albeit rare, this is a situation you never want to risk. The first sign of a gas leak is the smell of rotten eggs. This scent was added to gas lines by gas companies to allow homeowners to detect the otherwise odorless gas.

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These Thermostat Practices Could Be Costing You

Monday, May 9th, 2016

Weather has been relatively mild as of lately, so you probably haven’t turned on your AC yet this season. When temperatures do warm up though—and they will—you’ll want to ensure you are using your air conditioning system as efficiently as possible, to save energy and money. You may not be aware that how you use your thermostat plays a significant role in how efficiently you are cooling your home. Below we’ve highlighted a few thermostat practices that may actually be costing you money every time you use your AC.

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What to Expect From Air Conditioning Maintenance

Monday, April 18th, 2016

As we discussed in our blog post last week, it’s never too early to start thinking about your AC system. In addition to taking care of repairs and changing your air filter, scheduling preventive maintenance is essential to making sure that your AC gives you the performance you deserve this summer. But what do HVAC technicians actually do during maintenance? Why is this so necessary?

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Why It’s Not Too Early to Start Thinking about Your AC System

Monday, April 11th, 2016

The weather’s been a bit unpredictable lately, but it should start warming up sooner than you know it. And as it does, you’ll be switching off your heater and putting that thermostat into “cooling” mode. We encourage our customers and all homeowners to start thinking about the performance of their air conditioning systems before the cooling season begins; here’s what we recommend.

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How to Prevent HVAC Emergencies

Monday, April 4th, 2016

Not all HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) repairs are going to be 100% avoidable. However, there are certainly steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of having to deal with an emergency repair. Some of the most common emergency calls we get include water damage, no heat/cooling, and the smell of gas. Our staff is well prepared for an HVAC emergency of any kind. However, we do have some tips below to share with you that may help you avoid a HVAC emergency to begin with.

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Do I Need Refrigerant Every Year?

Monday, March 28th, 2016

From time to time, we get calls from customers asking for a maintenance visit, telling us they’d like an inspection and tune-up, along with a refrigerant (or Freon) charge. And this is where we often have to ask some questions. Has your air conditioning system recently started acting up? Have you noticed that temperatures seem a little too high lately? Then adding refrigerant to the system is probably not your best bet.

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