DB Heating & Cooling, Inc. Blog : Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Changing the Filter Isn’t All You Should Do This Spring

Monday, March 21st, 2016

Replacing the air filter each month is something that’s very important for the well-being of an air conditioning system. And now that spring is here, this home maintenance task should move to the top of the list. Changing the filter does more than just keep you feeling healthy. It also stops the larger particles in the air that could damage the HVAC system.

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Spring Is Coming: Why You Should Maintain Your AC Equipment

Monday, March 14th, 2016

When the springtime comes, you look forward to a break from the cold and a chance to spend some more time outdoors. What you may not think about so much is the fact that, eventually, the outside heat will make the chance to go indoors and cool off seem like such a relief. And when this time comes, you need your air conditioner to run smoothly.

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What Does My Air Conditioner’s Indoor Unit Do?

Monday, September 7th, 2015

If your air conditioning system is a traditional split central system, then you have two separate units of which the system is composed. These units, called the outdoor unit and indoor unit, work together to cool your home. It may seem that because your outdoor unit is more visible, and has a fan (the condenser fan) that works frequently, it is the outdoor unit really doing all the work. The truth is that the indoor unit provides one half of the cooling process, so without it, your home in Ramsey, NJ would cool at all.

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Does My Ductless System Need Maintenance?

Monday, August 31st, 2015

Ductless systems, whether used for both heating and cooling or just cooling, can be easy systems to manage, giving the impression that they either don’t need maintenance or need very little. Every air conditioning system needs maintenance, whether it is ductless or ducted, to keep it operating well. How often should you maintain your ductless system? That depends on what type of system you have.

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The Benefits of Zone Control

Monday, August 17th, 2015

By this time of the year, you have likely been trying to manage your thermostat closely to save some energy. But do you set the thermostat to one temperature only to find that someone else in your home has changed it? The battle over the thermostat is a common one, and if you are looking to put a permanent end to it and gain some other great benefits, the AC experts at DB Heating & Cooling recommend you consider the use of a zone control system.

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Is R-22 Refrigerant Still Available?

Monday, August 10th, 2015

There have been a lot of steps taken over the last two decades to help eliminate the environmental problems caused by air conditioning. Some of these steps have addressed the energy efficiency aspect of whole home AC systems while others have addressed the main chemical in these systems, refrigerant known as R-22, or Freon, its brand name. There is an active phase-out that’s been going on with R-22 for some time, and if you have an air conditioning system that uses R-22, you need to be aware of the phase-out process.

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Common Causes of Uneven Cooling

Monday, August 3rd, 2015

Do you have areas of your home that are warmer than others? Is the second floor in your home significantly warmer than the first? Uneven cooling is a common problem with many homes, and believe it or not, this is not an indication that your air conditioning system is too small. There can be a few reasons why your home may be suffering from uneven cooling, and the HVAC experts at DB Heating & Cooling can help you with all of them. Just give us a call for AC repair and we’ll determine why your cooling in Emerson, NJ is uneven and get it back on track.

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Why Isn’t My Heat Pump Cooling?

Monday, July 27th, 2015

Many homeowners with heat pump systems will sing the praises of the unit, and it’s understandable why. They are very energy efficient and can supply your home with both heating and cooling. However, if you’ve had the unfortunate experience of realizing that your heat pump isn’t cooling as needed, then you know that, like all other HVAC systems, your heat pump will need repair at some point. There are a few reasons that can cause your heat pump to have problems cooling your home:

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Why Your Air Conditioner Doesn’t Run Out of Refrigerant

Monday, July 20th, 2015

Many, if not most, electro-mechanical systems consume a fuel to work. Cars use gas, while many heating systems use oil, propane or natural gas. But when it comes to your air conditioner, the main chemical in the system – refrigerant – is not consumed. How, then, does it use refrigerant? Let’s take a look.

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How Does a Ductless Mini-Split AC Work?

Monday, June 29th, 2015

It can seem counter-intuitive to have an air conditioning system that doesn’t need ductwork, but that’s exactly what a ductless mini-split air conditioner is. The system isn’t wildly different from a traditional split system AC – in fact, the outdoor unit of a ductless system is almost the same as one from a traditional split system AC. You may be wondering how this system can effectively deliver whole home cooling without ductwork, so here is an overview from the air conditioning experts at DB Heating & Cooling.

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