DB Heating & Cooling, Inc. Blog : Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Do I Need to Replace My Heating System?

Monday, October 30th, 2017

gas-burnerThe daily temperature is starting to drop rapidly, as we get closer and closer to winter. That means that you’re going to need to make sure your home is ready for the heating season. For most homeowners, preparing for the heating season just means scheduling preventive maintenance for their heating systems.

However, you may find that it’s better to replace your heating system entirely than to try and keep it running for another season. If you aren’t sure whether or not your heating system could use replacing this season, read on for a list of common signs that it’s time for a new one.

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The Advantages of Installing a Boiler

Monday, October 2nd, 2017

Gas-fired boiler.We’re finally starting to get a bit of a dip in daily temperatures as we move further into fall. Before too long, you’re going to be relying entirely on your heating system to keep your home comfortable during the day. If you don’t currently have a reliable heating system to use during the winter months, now is the time to have one installed. You should choose carefully when it comes to installing a new heating system, as each one is suited to a different set of needs. Have a look at some of the ways that installing a boiler can help you this heating season.

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The Pros and Cons of Different Heating Systems

Monday, September 18th, 2017

heat-pump-cashWe’re getting close to the end of summer. That means it’s time to start getting your home ready for the fall and winter. That might mean scheduling preventive maintenance for your heating system, or it may mean installing an entirely new one. If you do happen to be in the market for a new heating system this season, you have many options to choose from. Let’s go over a few of the most popular heating options for your home.

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Do I Need to Replace My Furnace Before Heating Season Starts?

Monday, September 4th, 2017

furnace-installationHeating season is not far off, hard as that may be to believe. That means that now is the time for you to start thinking about getting your home ready for the weather to cool off. Part of those preparations is evaluating your heating system. Is your furnace up to the task of keeping your home warm through the coming season? If not, now is the time to replace it. Have a look at some of the warning signs that you need a new furnace.

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Oil to Gas Conversion: Is it Worth It?

Monday, March 6th, 2017

oil-to-gas-conversion-worth-itAlthough we are still dealing with some pretty chilly temperatures, winter is coming to a close in just a couple short weeks. Hopefully, you had no problems with your heating system this season and you were able to warm your living space effectively and affordably.

If you’ve been using an oil-fired system though, chances are your wallet may be hurting a bit. In fact according to the US Energy Information Administration, it costs the average homeowner twice as much to heat their homes with oil versus gas over the course of the winter season.

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Don’t Let Uneven Heating Get You Down

Monday, January 23rd, 2017

Scarf around a miniature green house - conceptual view of protecting or isolating house

When you live somewhere that the average high in the winter time is between 36 to 39 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s no secret that an efficiently and effectively working heating system is absolutely vital to the comfort and health of your family. One of the most common Allendale, NJ heating repair calls we get is in regards to uneven heating within one’s home.

Many homeowners may not even think much of uneven heating—after all it makes sense that an upper floor would stay warmer than a lower floor, since heat rises, right? While this can of course cause some temperature fluctuation, you should never settle for discomfort while using your heater. You shouldn’t have to resort to just keeping out of the cooler rooms or turning the temperature up so high that it’s sweltering in one area but cooler in another.

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Understanding the Need for Boiler Maintenance

Monday, January 9th, 2017

Boilers are well known for their endurance, and for good reason. They can last years longer than furnaces or heat pump systems, since they are far less complex systems. Fewer moving parts means fewer chances for problems to start.

However, it’s important to remember that no heating system is completely immune to problems. Boilers need maintenance on a regular basis to stay in their best condition. If you’re unsure about whether or not your boiler needs maintenance this year, take a look below.

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Should You Consider a Hot Water Boiler Installation?

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

With winter already fully upon us, hopefully you have a fully functional heating system prepared to get you through the rest of the season. If you’ve found yourself in need of a new heater, however, then you have some considerations to make. You may be tempted to just go out and get the first heater you see that matched your budget, especially as the weather cools. But we urge you to consider what’s best for your comfort and your long-term budget.

Hot water boiler systems are certainly worth your consideration when looking to replace your current heater or purchase your first heater for your home. Keep reading to learn more about how these heating systems work, and the numerous benefits they can offer.

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Does Your Furnace Need Replacement?

Monday, December 26th, 2016

The furnaces manufactured today have the potential to last for many years, so long as they are properly taken care of—this means keeping up on repairs as well as your annual maintenance appointments to prevent emergencies. However, no matter how well you care for your heating system, no furnace is going to last forever. At some point, you will need a new one.

It’s important to recognize when the time comes. This way you can purchase a replacement long before your system completely fails on you. Read on to discover some of the signs that it is in fact time for a furnace replacement.

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Is Your Boiler Making These Disconcerting Sounds?

Monday, December 12th, 2016

As temperatures drop, you’ve very likely begun to use your boiler system. Hopefully, you didn’t run into any problems when you turned it on. Routine maintenance will reduce the likelihood of a problem occurring, however, no heater is immune to repair needs. A boiler is no exception.

While boilers are generally pretty quiet, every heating system makes some noise during operation. But it’s important to be able to tell the difference between what is a normal operational noise and what is an ominous one. Keep reading to learn about some examples of odd boiler noises and what they could mean.

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