DB Heating & Cooling, Inc. Blog : Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Keep Your Home and Family Safe with Routine Furnace Maintenance

Monday, December 5th, 2016

How much thought do you give to your furnace? Chances are, unless something goes wrong with you, you likely rarely think about your heating system too much—aside from getting the thermostat settings where you want them to be during the heating season.

On one of our most recent inspections, our team found an unsafe furnace. It had shut down due to a cracked heat exchanger. Had the furnace’s safety feature not worked, CO2 could have easily leaked into the home, causing illness or worse. It’s instances such as this that cause us to stress the importance of scheduling maintenance now, if you haven’t already. This ensures that you’ll have more time to enjoy the winter and a greater peace of mind that your heater is safe.

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Boilers vs. Furnaces: Is One Better Than the Other?

Monday, November 21st, 2016

The furnace and the boiler are the two most common types of heating systems seen in homes today. Since HVAC technology is only improving—increasing their safety, reliability, and efficiency—neither one of these systems is going anywhere anytime soon. If you’re in the market for a new heating system, then chances are either one of these or both of these are on your list. But which one is better?

There are significant differences between these two heaters, but to be honest, no one option is inherently a better choice than the other—it will depend on your specific needs, as well as your budget. It’s also important to keep in mind that they do share something in common—they are both extremely flexible as they can run off of a number of different fuel sources. Typically, furnaces run off of natural gas, electricity, or propane. Boilers use either gas, electricity, or oil.

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Don’t Wait for a Breakdown Before Calling for Heater Repairs!

Monday, November 14th, 2016

For some appliances, such as a microwave or toaster, it may be okay to wait for a breakdown before we even consider repairs or a replacement—mostly because these aren’t devices we rely on too heavily, however convenient they make our lives.

However, it would be unwise to use this same mindset when it comes to your home’s heating system. Your heater is a major investment in your comfort that requires professional installation. While it’s not too hard to go a few days without a toaster, a coffee maker, a blender, etc., a broken down heater during one of the chilliest days of the year can make life pretty unbearable.

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Signs of a Furnace at the End of Its Life

Monday, October 31st, 2016

Was your furnace professionally installed? Do you keep up on your furnace maintenance appointments? If so, your heating system has the potential to last for many years. However just like any other important appliance in your home, it cannot last forever. If you are looking ahead to winter and wondering if your furnace will make it through, then it’s time to contact our professionals to see if a replacement is due.

It’s best to schedule your furnace replacement before the weather gets too cold. This will give you the peace of mind that you won’t be stuck with a malfunctioning furnace in the dead of winter. But how do you know when it is actually time for a replacement, and not a repair?

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Did you Schedule Your Heat Pump Maintenance Appointment Yet?

Monday, October 24th, 2016

With the sudden decline in temperatures this past week, we’re all reminded how close we are to using our heating systems on a regular basis. If your climate control system is a heat pump, then scheduling maintenance on a routine basis is even more important than it would be for any other type of heating system.

This is because while other AC units and furnaces need maintenance once a year, heat pumps need this service more often. You should have had a maintenance session conducted before summer, and the months preceding winter necessitate a second tune-up, making now the best time to schedule one. Keep reading to learn why.

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Now is the Time to Get Your Furnace Ready for Winter

Monday, October 17th, 2016

While it’s not quite time for the extreme temperature drops that other parts of the country are experiencing, fall has brought a chill in the air that certainly signals what time of year it is, and reminds us to ensure that our heaters are ready to do their jobs on a regular basis in a couple of months.

To ensure that your furnace is up to the challenge of effectively and efficiently keeping your home warm this winter, you’ll want to make sure you have it tuned-up by a professional heating maintenance technician—such as one of the members of our staff. No matter what type of heating system you have, it requires maintenance. Furnaces are no exception.

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Why Should You Schedule Heating Maintenance Now?

Monday, October 3rd, 2016

Temperatures as of lately have been fairly mild, with our humidity making it seem warmer than it actually is. Therefore, it may seem strange that we are already talking about heating maintenance. However, fall is officially here and we can expect this weather to drastically decline very shortly. Although you may not be ready to turn on your heating system quite yet, now is the best time to prepare it for the heavy workload it’s about to face. Keep reading to learn why the perfect time to schedule heating maintenance is now.

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4 Signs That You’ll Need Heating Repairs This Season

Monday, September 26th, 2016

Hopefully, you’ve scheduled your heating maintenance appointment and have already been made aware of any repair needs you’re facing. If you have not, however, the time to do so is now. Temperatures aren’t anywhere near as cold as they’re going to get, but they are certainly dropping, signaling that fall is here.

Without proper heating system maintenance, you may easily find yourself facing one of the following four warning signs that something is wrong with your heater. If you do, be sure to give our team a call for prompt repairs.

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Avoid These Furnace Problems This Winter

Monday, September 19th, 2016

Although our temperatures are still relatively mild, in just a couple of days it will officially be fall, and with the season change will come cooler temperatures, particularly at night. When our weather does get cold enough for you to use your heater, you’ll want to ensure it’s ready to do its job. The best way to do this is by scheduling furnace maintenance before you need to actually use your system.

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These Are the Steps Taken During Heater Maintenance

Monday, September 5th, 2016

As we mentioned in a recent blog post, the time has come to at least start considering if your heating system is in the best shape possible, by scheduling a heater maintenance appointment. This is a service that is often neglected, however very important. After all, you wouldn’t skip a maintenance appointment with your vehicle, right? So why should your home comfort system be any different? It’s imperative that you schedule heating maintenance at least once a year.

Professional heater tune-ups keep your heating system functioning as efficiently as possible, and may even reduce the potential for larger repair needs later on down the line. Be sure to contact our technicians for a comprehensive inspection and cleaning, and also to find out how this service can save you money. Keep reading below to learn more about what steps our technicians take during this service.

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