DB Heating & Cooling, Inc. Blog

Some Options to Consider When Replacing an Old Air Conditioner

May 13th, 2024


At DB Heating & Cooling, we understand the importance of a well-functioning air conditioning system for a comfortable home. If you’re facing the challenge of an air conditioning replacement in Bergen County, NJ of an old unit, there are several options to consider that can improve your home’s energy efficiency, comfort, and overall cooling experience. Let’s dive into some choices you should keep in mind when making this significant investment.

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Is a High-Efficiency AC a Good Investment?

April 22nd, 2024


The technology of air conditioning systems has advanced tremendously during the 21st century. There are now AC units with energy efficiency that dwarfs what was available twenty years ago. A new mid-efficiency air conditioner can outperform older models, so if you have an AC that’s around 15 years old and ready for replacement, you’ll see an improvement in efficiency even if you decide to get a less expensive mid-efficiency model.

But what about investing in one of the best of the current high-efficiency units? It’s a good question to consider when you’re looking for a new air conditioning installation in Bergen County, NJ. We’d like to provide you with some additional information to help you think about this choice. When you’re ready to choose, make sure to work with our technicians for expert advice and the best service.

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The Benefits of an Oil-to-Gas Conversion

March 18th, 2024


Furnaces have hundreds of years of history. Over their history, they’ve burned many different types of fuel, starting with wood. A common type of furnace still used in Bergen County is the oil-burning model. This is a now outdated type of furnace, with most homes across the country changing either to natural gas furnaces or electric furnaces.

We offer oil to gas conversion in Bergen County, NJ because we know the immense benefits of making this change. Our team can install equipment in your existing furnace that allows it to be run on natural gas. You don’t have to make as drastic a change as you might think, and there are many benefits to converting to a natural gas furnace. Such as…

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How a Heat Pump Can Work as a Heating and Cooling System

February 19th, 2024


More and more people are looking to heat pumps as the way to provide energy-efficient comfort around the year. Heat pumps are able to pull off the feat of providing both heating and cooling for a home in a single package. No, it’s not an AC combined with another type of heater—a heat pump uses the same operation and components to send both cooled and heated air into your house. 

How does a heat pump pull off this trick? We’re here to tell you. We’re highly experienced with handling heat pump installation, heat pump maintenance, heat pump repair in Bergen County, NJ

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Warning Signs You Need to Replace Your Current Heater

January 8th, 2024


Nobody wants to face a broken-down heating system in the middle of winter. Unfortunately, you may find yourself up against this problem if you let the warning signs of a dying heater slip under your radar. When you know what to look for, you can predict when you’ve got a heating system on its way out—and you can schedule a replacement early and on your own timeline. 

We provide quality heating installation in Bergen County, NJ, and we’d like to share our knowledge with you today about the signs of a heater coming close to failing. If you feel unsure about your heater’s fate, contact us and we can help.

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Problems You May Run Into With Your Ductless Heating System

December 11th, 2023


We think that ductless cooling and ductless heating in Bergen County, NJ is one the best ways for homes to find flexible solutions to their year-round comfort needs. If you already have a ductless HVAC system in your home, you probably agree with us and wonder how you could ever go back to one of those more cumbersome central ducted systems.

Now, however, you’ve got a complaint: something’s not right with your ductless mini split heat pump. Unfortunately, no comfort device will work flawlessly a hundred percent of the time. This is why our expert technicians handle all aspects of ductless heating and cooling, including repairs.

What might go wrong with a ductless system? We’ll take a look below. Reach out to us as soon as you think you need pros to fix your ductless mini split heat pump.

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How Gas Furnaces Are Able to Run Safely

November 6th, 2023


Natural gas furnaces are found in more homes around the country than any other type of heating system. That alone should tell you that these heaters are generally safe to use for winter warmth. 

However, combusting any type of fuel can pose dangers, and gas furnaces do have the potential to create hazards such as leaking of toxic carbon monoxide gas and larger combustion explosions. The best way for you to ensure that your home’s gas furnace runs at its safest is to schedule an annual professional furnace inspection and tune-up and to always move quickly when you need furnace repair in Bergen County, NJ by calling the BD Heating & Cooling team. We offer 24/7 emergency service for good reasons!

If you’re curious to know more about how gas furnaces maintain high levels of safety, follow along as we look at several of their important safety features.

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Why Regular Heating Maintenance Is a Fall Essential

October 9th, 2023


September still is partially the summer season. But when October arrives, you know it’s the fall, and that means it’s time to start preparing your home to handle colder temperatures ahead. We want you to enjoy your fall season to the fullest, but we also want to make sure you’re ready for when temperatures take a serious plunge in winter. The best way to prepare is with a true “Fall Classic”—professional heating maintenance.

We tell our customers that heating maintenance is one of the essential services they can schedule for their home. Why? Well, for one, it’s the easiest way to avoid having to call us later for an emergency heating repair in Bergen County, NJ. But there are many reasons why this is such an important fall task…

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Why Won’t My AC Cool the House Evenly?

September 4th, 2023


This is a common problem people run into with their air conditioning systems. After several years of having no difficulty sending enough cooling to all the rooms, the AC starts to keep some areas cooled down while others turn into hot spots.

If this is happening to you, you’ll want to know why and how to correct it. In many cases, uneven cooling happens because of an AC malfunction that requires professional repairs. We’ll go over the most common reason for uneven cooling from an air conditioner and the best steps to take.

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How Can I Improve the Indoor Air Quality in My Home?

August 14th, 2023


Many homeowners today have worries about their indoor air quality (IAQ). They have good reasons to feel concerned: poor indoor air quality can make the air inside buildings more than 4 to 5 times more polluted than the air outside. Poor indoor air quality contributes to problems like headaches, nausea, insomnia, fatigue, asthma, and allergic reactions. Even worse, some IAQ issues have long-lasting and debilitating health effects.

What can you do about poor IAQ in your home? You have several options you can implement on your own, but you may also need professional air cleaner service in Bergen County, NJ from IAQ pros like ours to make your air as clean and pure as possible.

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