DB Heating & Cooling, Inc. Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Bergen County’

Remember to Schedule Heat Pump Maintenance This Fall

Monday, November 27th, 2017

heat-pumpYou’ve probably been using your heat pump in heating mode for several weeks now, since the weather has started to cool off. Before we get too far into the heating season, though, it’s important that you make sure that your heat pump is ready for the added demand. There are a number of ways that you can go about preparing your heat pump for the winter season, but none is as effective as scheduling preventive maintenance. This is a good thing to do, even if you have already scheduled preventive maintenance earlier in the year.

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Heating Problems to Watch for This Fall

Monday, November 13th, 2017

furnace We’re going to take a wild guess and say that you’re relying on your heater a fair amount to stay comfortable on a daily basis. That’s all well and good, provided that you’re aware of the kinds of problems that added demand can create under certain circumstances. If you want to keep your heating system going strong throughout the winter, one of the best things that you can do is familiarize yourself with the signs that indicate that it’s having a problem. Identifying problems quickly makes it easier to repair said problems before they can cause too much damage to the system. Have a look at some of the most common heating problems to watch for this fall.

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Do I Need to Replace My Heating System?

Monday, October 30th, 2017

gas-burnerThe daily temperature is starting to drop rapidly, as we get closer and closer to winter. That means that you’re going to need to make sure your home is ready for the heating season. For most homeowners, preparing for the heating season just means scheduling preventive maintenance for their heating systems.

However, you may find that it’s better to replace your heating system entirely than to try and keep it running for another season. If you aren’t sure whether or not your heating system could use replacing this season, read on for a list of common signs that it’s time for a new one.

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Tips on Keeping Your Commercial Heating System in Good Shape

Monday, October 16th, 2017

commercial-rooftop-unitWe’re still experiencing some wide swings between hot and cold days. Eventually, though, we’ll slide into the full-on heating season. Your commercial property will start to rely on its heating system to maintain a comfortable climate on a daily basis. Along with that added usage, there’s going to be an increased chance of problems developing. If you want to make sure that your commercial heating system is able to cope with the strain of heating season, there are a couple of tips you should follow. Read on to find out more about these tips.

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4 Reasons That Professional AC Replacement is Critical

Monday, August 8th, 2016

As we near the final stretch of summer, you may have come to realize that it’s time to replace your air conditioning system. Many homeowners are tempted to replace their AC system all on their own. However, we can’t emphasize enough how important it is to have a professional, who is trained in this line of work, do this job.

You may also want to think twice about hiring an unlicensed “amateur” or general handyman to do the job. In almost all cases, they are going to lack the experience, tools, and certification to ensure that your AC installation is done correctly. Call one of the licensed HVAC professionals on our staff to having your cooling system installation done right the first time.

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Changing the Filter Isn’t All You Should Do This Spring

Monday, March 21st, 2016

Replacing the air filter each month is something that’s very important for the well-being of an air conditioning system. And now that spring is here, this home maintenance task should move to the top of the list. Changing the filter does more than just keep you feeling healthy. It also stops the larger particles in the air that could damage the HVAC system.

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4 Reasons to Replace an Old Heating System before It Fails

Monday, January 18th, 2016

Imagine that you’re running your heating system on a cold night, getting ready to get into bed, when your heater fails suddenly without warning. You have to stop what you’re doing to find the number of a company that offers 24/7 service, or to look for an alternative heat source to get you through the night. And the unexpected cost of a heating replacement may come as a shock. That’s just one of the reasons we recommend replacing your heater before it ever fails, and you’ll find four more good reasons to replace an old heating system below!

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The Benefits of Zone Control

Monday, August 17th, 2015

By this time of the year, you have likely been trying to manage your thermostat closely to save some energy. But do you set the thermostat to one temperature only to find that someone else in your home has changed it? The battle over the thermostat is a common one, and if you are looking to put a permanent end to it and gain some other great benefits, the AC experts at DB Heating & Cooling recommend you consider the use of a zone control system.

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How a Whole Home Dehumidifier Can Help You Beat the Heat This Summer

Monday, July 6th, 2015

It’s no secret that our summers can be hot and humid. While your air conditioning system dehumidifies as part of the cooling process, we can have stretches of humid weather that goes on for days. When this kind of prolonged period of high humidity sets in, your air conditioner will be challenged to keep up with demand and adequately cool your home. But there is one way you can help yourself and your AC: install and use a whole home dehumidifier.

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Looking for an Easy Way to Better Control Your Cooling? Try Upgrading Your Thermostat!

Monday, June 8th, 2015

When most people think of getting better performance out of their air conditioners, a simple upgrade is often overlooked: your thermostat. What do we mean? If you are using a slide or dial thermostat, or one that doesn’t offer programming, you are losing out on some excellent ways to reduce your energy use and control your temperature. The experts at DB Heating & Cooling have several choices available for upgrading your thermostat, and we can install your new thermostat and show you how to use it to maximum advantage. Call us today and see what your choices are for a new thermostat in Bergen County, NJ.

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