DB Heating & Cooling, Inc. Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Bergen County’

Combatting Dry Air for Your Health and Your Home

Monday, November 12th, 2018

White smoke comes out of a house's chimney on a winter day.With temperatures cooling down quickly, it’s time to make sure your home is prepared for the winter season just around the corner. This means first ensuring that you’ve had or at least scheduled heating maintenance—but there’s more to winter preparation than just that.

Do you find yourself with more sore throats, irritated sinuses, and/or dryness with your skin and hair during the winter? This is because of dry air, which can cause a number of problems. Fortunately, there is a solution, in a Bergen County, NJ humidifier installation. An installation of this kind can make you far more comfortable, not to mention healthier, in your home. But how?

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Furnace Problems You Need to Watch Out For

Friday, October 26th, 2018

gas-burnerFurnace problems are quite common during the fall and winter seasons, when systems are placed under an increased amount of stress. There are ways to lower the chances of stress-related issues occurring with your system, mostly by scheduling preventive maintenance for the system every fall. Hopefully, you have already scheduled preventive maintenance for your system. Even if you have, though, there are still ways that issues can occur. It’s best that you keep an eye out for signs that your system is in some sort of trouble, so that you can have it repaired as soon as possible. The following are a few of the more common signs that your furnace is in need of professional repair services.

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Careful of These Commercial HVAC Issues This Summer

Monday, October 15th, 2018

commercial-rooftop-unitWe may be more or less at the end of summer, but you’re likely to experience a few warm days between now and when you start using your commercial heater consistently. That means that you can still run into issues with your commercial air conditioning system.  If you’ve had preventive maintenance done on your commercial air conditioner in the last few months, it might be less likely to develop problems. Still, it’s not guaranteed to avoid all issues. Make sure that you call for repairs if you notice any of the following issues with your commercial air conditioning system towards the end of the summer.

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Why Indoor Air Quality Is Important for Health and Comfort

Monday, October 1st, 2018

air-filterWhen it comes to keeping their home comfortable, a lot of homeowners tend to focus on climate control. This is to be expected, especially during the summer and winter seasons. However, it’s not the only thing you need to worry about.

Indoor air quality is typically very low in homes across the country, mainly due to lack of knowledge regarding the effects it can have on your health and comfort. Let’s take a look at why indoor air quality is such an important thing for you to maintain, and how you can do it.

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Air Conditioning Maintenance: Why It’s Important

Monday, September 17th, 2018

air-conditioner-cashWe’re coming to the end of summer now, and you may already be thinking about what to do to get your home ready for the heating season. Hold on just a second, though! You may not be done with your air conditioning system just yet. If you haven’t scheduled maintenance for your air conditioner yet this year, you should do it before the season is over. Yes, even though you’re already practically done with using the system for this year. Have a look below at why it’s so important for you to have your air conditioner checked out by a professional every year.

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Installing a New AC? Increase ROI With These Tips!

Monday, September 3rd, 2018

air-conditioner-cashEveryone needs to install a new air conditioner sooner or later. Whether you’re moving into a new place, or your current air conditioner is finally ready to be put out to pasture, you’re going to need a new system to keep your home cool. If you’re in the market for a new air conditioner, there are a number of tips below to help you maximize your return on investment.

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When to Replace Your Air Conditioning System

Monday, August 20th, 2018

air-conditionerAir conditioning systems don’t last forever, no matter how well-maintained they are. Even if you schedule preventive maintenance for your air conditioner every year and promptly repair any issues, you will eventually need to replace it. It’s best that you know the warning signs that your air conditioner is in trouble before it dies completely. You don’t want to be blindsided if it gives out in the middle of a hot summer day. The following are just a few of the signs that you should call for air conditioning replacement services sooner rather than later.

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Air Conditioning Issues To Watch For This Summer

Monday, August 6th, 2018

Frozen-ACAir conditioning issues are quite common during the summer season, when the strain on the system is at its highest. While preventive maintenance can dramatically reduce the odds of a serious issue occurring with the system, it’s still important that you keep an eye out for any signs that it is developing problems over the next couple of months. The faster you can identify whether your air conditioner is having problems, the faster you can have them repaired and the better off your system will be. Have a look at some of the ways that air conditioning problems can manifest, and what you can do about them.

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Improve Your Indoor Air Quality with an Air Cleaner This Season

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

woman-blowing-noseA lot of people tend to focus on keeping as cool as possible during the summer. Why wouldn’t you, with record heat waves hitting most of the country? The thing is, though, the temperature of the air in your home isn’t the only thing that you need to worry about during the summer.

Indoor air quality often suffers during this season, as people shut their doors and windows to help with climate control and end up cutting themselves off from the fresh air flow. Low indoor air quality can have wide-ranging effects on your health and comfort, so it’s in your best interest to keep it as high as possible. Let’s take a look at one of the best ways that you can keep your indoor air quality high this year: installing an air cleaner.

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Get Your Air Conditioner Ready for Summer with Preventive Maintenance

Monday, June 11th, 2018

air-conditioning-maintenanceSummer is here, but it’s not too late to make sure that your air conditioner is ready for the season. If you haven’t already scheduled preventive maintenance, you should do it as soon as possible! Preventive maintenance is the single best way to make sure that your air conditioner can cope with whatever the summer can throw at it. Read on to find out more about why air conditioning maintenance is so important for the health of your system.

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